貓寶寶健康問題:9 個需要留意的徵兆(獸醫解答)

  • 2023/9/24 下午 10:01:04

Kitten Health Issues: 9 Signs to Look For (Vet Answer)


Bringing home a new kitten can be an exciting experience. However, it also comes with the responsibility of taking care of another living being. There are several health issues that can potentially affect a kitten, and it is important for owners to be aware of the signs and symptoms. In this article, we will discuss nine common health issues in kittens and provide advice on how to identify and address them.

1. Eye Issues

One of the common health issues in kittens is eye problems. Symptoms may include discharge, swelling, squinting, and inflammation in or around the eyes. These signs are often seen in conjunction with nasal symptoms, which can indicate an upper respiratory tract infection (URI). Kittens are particularly susceptible to viral infections such as feline herpesvirus and calicivirus, which can easily spread due to their weak immune systems. Treatment for these eye issues is usually symptomatic and supportive, with the addition of antibiotics if there is a secondary bacterial infection. It is important to note that eye symptoms can also be caused by an eye ulcer, which may be associated with the herpes virus or result from an injury, such as a scratch from another cat.

2. Nasal Issues

Nasal issues in kittens often go hand in hand with eye issues and can include nasal discharge, repeated sneezing, or pawing at the nose. The most common cause of nasal discharge in kittens is an upper respiratory infection. However, other less common causes may include nasal polyps, fungal infections, allergies, or foreign objects inhaled into the nasal cavity.

3. Scratching

While grooming and licking are normal behaviors in cats, excessive scratching or gnawing of the body is not. This could indicate the presence of external parasites, such as fleas or lice, which can easily spread from other animals or the environment. If the itching is focused on the ears and accompanied by thick, dark ear exudate, ear mites may be the culprit. Medicated ear drops can be used to treat this condition. It is important to consult a veterinarian to determine the specific parasite and the appropriate treatment. Additionally, the veterinarian may provide guidance on preventing reinfection and treating the environment.

4. Not Eating or Drinking

If a kitten is not eating or drinking, it can quickly lead to low blood sugar and dehydration, which can be detrimental to their health. The reasons for a lack of appetite or thirst can vary, ranging from stress due to a new environment to systemic illnesses. One example of a disease that can cause poor appetite, weight loss, and overall poor growth in kittens is feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Another condition, referred to as "fading kitten syndrome" or "failure to thrive," can lead to stunted growth or weight loss in kittens up to around 8 weeks old. If a kitten is not eating or drinking, it is important to have them examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

5. Distended Abdomen

A distended abdomen in kittens is often a sign of intestinal parasites. Other accompanying symptoms may include weight loss and diarrhea, although they are not always present. Common parasites that can cause a distended abdomen in kittens include roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, coccidia, and giardia. Diagnostic tests, such as fecal exams or snap tests, can identify the specific parasite and guide treatment. In addition, the veterinarian may discuss preventive measures and any additional care required. It is also worth noting that constipation or the ingestion of a foreign body can also cause a distended abdomen, often accompanied by vomiting and lethargy.

6. Lethargy

Lethargy, or extreme and persistent tiredness, is not considered normal in kittens. It can be associated with a wide range of illnesses and is not a specific sign for a particular diagnosis. Further investigation is typically necessary to determine the underlying cause. Lethargy may be accompanied by additional systemic signs, such as fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some cases, anemia, indicated by a low red blood cell count, can also cause lethargy in kittens, potentially resulting from flea infestation.

7. Vomiting

Vomiting in kittens is another non-specific sign that can indicate various causes. Recurrent vomiting may signal systemic illness, toxin exposure, or the presence of a foreign body. Feline panleukopenia, an illness affecting the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and bone marrow suppression. Fever and loss of appetite are other potential signs. Young kittens tend to be more severely affected by this disease. Vaccination is the best preventive measure against it.

8. Diarrhea

Diarrhea in a new kitten can be caused by stress colitis, sudden changes in diet, or intestinal parasites. Additionally, several diseases can result in loose or watery stool. Regardless of the cause, prolonged diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Therefore, if a kitten experiences diarrhea for more than a few episodes, it is important to investigate the underlying cause.

9. Fever

Fever, when accompanied by other signs such as poor appetite or lethargy, may indicate the presence of an infection. While fever alone does not provide a specific diagnosis, it warrants further investigation to identify the source, which can range from a mild upper respiratory infection to more serious conditions such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) or feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Both FIV and FeLV can result in immune deficiency and make the affected cat more susceptible to other illnesses. Testing for these infectious diseases is recommended in kittens.


Taking care of a kitten's health requires a serious commitment. If a kitten exhibits any signs of illness, it is important to involve a veterinarian promptly. The symptoms discussed in this article may indicate various health issues, and a thorough examination by a veterinary professional is necessary to determine the underlying cause. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help ensure the well-being of the kitten and strengthen the bond between the owner and their feline companion. Sources:
- PetMD
- Pawlicy Vet Lexicon

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